One of Iceland's most iconic destination for visitors lies on the black beach of Sólheimasandur - an abandoned DC-3 plane set against the dramatic background of sand and sky. In 1973 the plane was being piloted by the United States Navy when it ran out of fuel and had to make an emergency crash landing. Everyone on board survived but the wreckage remains as a beacon to photographers and science fiction nerds. The plane was one of four at the Navy base at Keflavík that was used during the Cold War. Previously, the planes had flown in the Korean and Vietnam wars.
Part of the adventure is actually finding the place, which is not signposted in any way. The coordinates are 63 27.546-19 21.887 - driving direction East along the South coast, the road will be to the right after you pass the river Jökulsá.
It's recommended to visit with a tour, as driving on the sand is strictly verboten. The area is remote and unless your vehicle is truly well equipped, you could very easily get stuck in the sand. To hike to the plane from the main road (4km) takes about an hour. Don't go in then winter when it's snowing or when the wind is too strong as sandstorms can be quite common. Part of the magic of finding the plane is that you actually don't see it until you're almost there because it's hidden behind a sand dune.
Once a symbol of the golden age of air travel, a Douglas Super DC-3 airplane lies hollow and forgotten on a deserted black beach in Iceland - untouched since it crashed more than four decades ago
The wind can be epic, so make sure you dress properly. Recent reports say that tourists have overrun the place, leaving graffiti on the plane and taking pieces away. If you're keen to explore for yourself, it would be a good idea to get in while you can - the wreckage might not last much longer.
In 2015 a pink graffiti tag was left on the plane, which led to some talk about shutting down the access roads that lead towards the plane. There have also been countless commercials and videos filmed on location - even including Justin Bieber.
There's a feeling among the locals that the eerie beauty of the wreck should be preserved, which is looking less and less likely with increasing numbers of tourists and visitors.